Andromeda Mini Throne

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Andromeda Mini Throne


We know Andromeda as a galaxy located near the constellation Pegasus but legend tells of Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia, as an ancient Greek Princess.

Cassiopeia offended the Sea Nymphs by boasting that her daughter, Andromeda was more beautiful than they. Poseidon sent a sea monster to devour Andromeda but she was ever so swiftly rescued by Perseus and they promptly fell in love.

Our miniature version of Cassiopeia's Throne measures 2 3/4"tall x 1 3/8" wide x 1 5/8" deep. Made from Baltic Birch in the USA. 

Perfectly suited to be worn as a necklace! Use Apoxie Sculpt to create a small figure to adorn it. Or set a little jeweled crown upon the seat, drop it into a niche in a book, or hang them on your Christmas Tree.

Other items shown not included

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