Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Heart
As a collector I have been hoarding this large polychrome bleeding heart. I discovered and traveled home with it from France. Rare Antique pieces like this come along once in a lifetime. It has so much of its glorious original paint I just couldn't resist it. You can still see the subtle gradations of tone, color and even the delicate, faint veins and scar painted on. The dark brown cross at the top is engulfed in gilded flames and the entire piece has a gilt crown of thorns dripping in drops of gold, it is truly breath taking. After many years I finally got the courage to try and get a mold from it. I came up with a plan to protect the paint and just went for it! Now I can share it with you, I hope you enjoy and treasure it the same way I do. 1 piece with Flat Back.
Bleeding Heart 4 3/8” tall x 3 1/4” wide x 1/2” deep