A mythological hybrid Satyrs are entirely an invention of early Roman artists. Depicted with hoofed feet, sometimes with horns, half man, half horse or goat depending on the artists whim and were known to be nature spirits. Mischievous tricksters who enjoy playing their pipes, neither good or evil but like nature are just there to be witnessed. I think this is a really fun piece to incorporate into a Nature Dome, add a little fresh green moss, a twig or two, some tall mushrooms growing above it and let it be the center of attraction.
Measures Frame 2 1/2” tall x 2 7/8” wide x 1/4” thick Oval Cabochon 2 1/2” tall x 2” wide x 1/4” thick Satyre 2 3/8” tall x 2” wide x 1/2” thick