According to Greek legend, Persephone was Demeter’s daughter. One day while she was out gathering flowers she was snatched from the Earth by the God Hades and taken to the underworld. Her mother was so upset with worry, grief and anger she caused crops and plants to wither and die for a whole year. The earth was gripped with a terrible famine. So Zeus commanded Hades to release Persephone. But before Hades let her go he tricked her into eating some pomegranate seeds, knowing that if she ate anything from the land of the dead she would have to return to him for part of the year.
Demeter was overjoyed to have her daughter back. However every time Persephone had to return to Hades Demeter mourned and the earth's plants and crops stopped growing. But when her daughter returns she is happy and the earth comes back to life.
I wanted this project to have a distinct play of dark and light, The darker colors represent the time when Persephone is in the underworld and her mother is sad. The light brighter colors when she comes back.