Art can be very personal-so when another creator sends you a piece to finish, they are actually sending you a little piece of themselves
Read moreFUSE: MUSE Day 9 Sherry Matthews, "Those Who've Come Before Us"
Sherry Matthews
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Sherry Matthews
Art can be very personal-so when another creator sends you a piece to finish, they are actually sending you a little piece of themselves
Read moreAs the sun shines and reflects off the terra cotta rooftops,
standing against the sun worn wall,
A pure beauty, a true Spanish sun with olive tone skin,
With a mysterious beauty about her,
as she stands against the Moroccan patterned earthy tones,
She emanates an enigma about her,
in the eyes of all who gazes upon her.
Note: "Spanish Sun" originally appeared in Mixed Up magazine earlier this year as part of the Creative Play feature with a full stepped out tutorial. Be sure to visit Pocketmags to learn more or sign up for a subscription.
Relics & Artifacts® Facia Familiaris
Relics & Artifacts® Milagros
Relics & Artifacts® Helios I
Relics & Artifacts® Helios II
Apoxie Sculpt
DecoArt Media: Primary Yellow, Cadmium Orange Hue, Yellow Oxide, Burnt Umber, Carbon Black, Quinacridone Magenta, Cadmium Red Hue, Dairylide Yellow, Pyrrole Orange, Medium Grey Value 6, Paynes Grey, Tinting Base, Gesso White, Decoupage
The Crafters Workshop® Viva la Art stencil
So who's excited about our new Literary Hauntings Challenge? I definitely am! I've made "no bones" about the fact that I am frequently inspired by works of poetry and literature. You might even say I've "pondered over many a quaint & curious volume of forgotten lore."
Add to that my love of Halloween and it's no surprise that I am a fan of Edgar Allen Poe. His words evoke imagery that rap, tap, tap on the door of my imagination! This piece is an homage to Poe's The Raven.
Hope you will all join in on the spooky fun of our #RALiteraryHauntings Challenge!
Relics & Artifacts® Ancient Soul
Relics & Artifacts® Troubador
VerDay Paint Set
Apoxie Sculpt
DecoArt acrylics
reproduction iron doorknocker
"Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are."
~Mason Cooley
I can't even imagine a world without books. Books educate and enlighten. They entertain and ease our stress.
Books are a ticket to escape to a haven all our own or a way to connect to faraway lands . Books introduce us to innumerable people, both living and dead.
They transport us through time and allow us to journey through space. Each journey begins with the turn of a single page. When you curl up with a good book, where does it take you?
"For a fantastic voyage without leaving your nook, crack open the cover and travel by book." ~Sherry Westfall Matthews
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts® Andromeda Mini Throne
Muse® Art Stamps Basque
Muse® Art Stamps Celestial
Muse® Art Stamps Devotion
Apoxie Sculpt
DecoArt Craft paints
E6000 adhesive
Embossing powders
Ranger Perfect Medium stamp pad
vintage shadow box
vintage millinery flowers
scrapbook paper
"Once upon a time..." Well, isn't that how all good folk tales begin? This is the tale of a young gypsy girl named Rosella.
Rosella lived with her grandmother in a modest cottage in the woods. Her grandmother, the wisest woman she knew, told Rosella stories of the Guardian of the Forest, Patrin (his name meant "trail of leaves"). Patrin liked to leave gifts for humans to find, humans who had shown kindness to nature. Gifts like feathers and flowers and small tumbled stones. Rosella had already accumulated quite the collection of these gifts for she was always mindful of her environment. Her grandmother would tell her ,"You can't stand for what you believe in if you have no ground to stand upon." Rosella loved her grandmother and the forest where she lived.
Her favorite spot in all the world was beneath an old tree in the middle of a field of flowers. Its outstretched branches were home to many birds and squirrels. Its roots merged into a mossy tapestry; and in that tree's shade, Rosella would sit, rain or shine, and feel completely at peace.
One day, just as Rosella arrived, she noticed a man with an axe about to chop down her beloved tree. She pleaded, "Please Sir, I love this tree."
The man explained that he had no money for firewood which he needed to keep his family warm and fed. Rosella had no money either. But she did have a heart necklace! It was a gift from her grandmother... "Grandma would understand," she thought. She gave the man her necklace to sell. He thanked her and agreed to never harm the tree.
When Rosella returned the next day, to her delight, she found a wooden heart pendant, bound in strings woven from wildflower petals, hanging on the tree's lower branches!
It was from Patrin and never had she seen a more magical gift! Rosella thought to herself, "What they say is true! If you take care of nature, it'll take care of you!"
The End
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts Chivalry
Apoxie Sculpt
jewelry findings
embroidery thread
DecoArt acrylic paint
silk sari cord
“To become a butterfly, metamorphosis is necessary. If the caterpillar never went through this process of change, it would never achieve its great destiny and become its most glorious self. We can reach our great destinies by changing what needs to be changed.” --Michelle “Chaella” Boddie
I am always looking for unique items on Ebay and in antique shops. I saw this vintage pin cushion doll at a local shop here in Arkansas. I didn’t buy her when I saw her, and when I got home I was kicking myself, as this was one of the unique items I had shopped for previously. I called the shop owner and asked her to hold it for me and went and picked it up the next day after work.
As you can see, she had been quite neglected. This did not stop me. In fact it did just the opposite. I could see her potential. I brought her home and started gently cleaning her with a baby wipe. I was absolutely PANICKED when she started going to pieces where she was previously cracked.
I knew our fearless leader, Sandra Evertson, had much experience with rebuilding and repairing vintage pieces using Apoxie Sculpt. I showed her pictures and she told me that this looked like a German-made chalk based piece, so the moisture was not good for the doll. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed myApoxie Sculpt and started repairing her.
I was nervous and excited because I had never done this type of work with the Apoxie Sculpt before. I wanted to repair her but I didn’t want her to be perfect. I wanted her to still have a vintage look.
The velveteen leaves brightened up the faded velvet fabric of the pin cushion. Yes. I cut all of those butterflies by hand and they are double sided. I added the Relics & Artifacts flowers to fill spaces.
The beautiful Relics & Artifacts Papillon Butterfly, which I had cut in half, was perfect as her wings.
This project was definitely a journey, for myself and the vintage piece, and through this process of “Metamorphosis”, I believe she has become her most glorious self again and more.
I am so flippin' happy with how this came out and she is displayed in my home where everyone can see her.
Supply List
Relics & Artifacts® Papillon
Relics & Artifacts® Velveteen Flowers-Sweet Violets Festoon
Apoxie Sculpt
Vintage pin cushion doll
Velveteen leaves
Straight pins
Various butterfly printables
Acrylic paints
We are beginning the home stretch in our week-long party with That's Crafty! What do you all think of both groups of rock stars so far? It's been such a great feast for the eyes so far, so why stop now? Today, we have Sherry Matthews with a piece that will cut straight to your heart not only visually buy symbolically as well.
No beam outshines light from within one's soul,
Nor reflects more purely of words, yet told,
Nothing more powerful than the gilded hold,
That the heart has, once revealed.
No gift is greater than given attention,
No treasure more precious than love's first mention,
No act more heroic than the promised intention,
That the heart gives, once unveiled.
What a provocative and beautiful poem and piece! Be sure to swing by the That's Crafty! blog to see what Fliss Goodwin has in store for you and remember to leave a comment on each day to be entered to win the prize at the end of the celebration!
Relics & Artifacts® Ancient Soul
Relics & Artifacts® Chivalry
Relics & Artifacts® Dresden Trim, wrought iron (gold)
Relics & Artifacts Bohemian Jewels, aquamarine
Apoxie Sculpt
That's Crafty Surfaces, Acrylic Uprights-Arch (pack of 3)
That's Crafty Dinky Stencils, Moroccan background (TC069)
Viva! Mirror paint
Gilder's Paste(antique gold, german silver)
E6000 glue
Fabric glue
DecoArt Elegant Finish Paint in "Emperor's Gold"
DecoArt Acrylic Paint Black
Modelling paste, palette knife
Dremel tool, carving bit
Sari fabric scrap
Wood chess pieces
It's day 2 of our week-long shindig with the lovely ladies of That's Crafty! in the United Kingdom. All week, we are partying it up with fabulous projects featuring That's Crafty! melded seamlessly withRelics & Artifacts®. Be sure to follow along with us all week because there is a giveaway at the end of the celebration! Keep reading for details.
Today, we have Milagros Rivera and does she have an awesome story to tell!
Since I was little, my mom used glasses. She actually has had to wear them since her teens. I was the designated companion to help her pick her prescription frames. She always purchased an inside pair and an outside pair. And they were BIG!!!! II loved being able to help her make the decision and I secretly loved trying them. She wouldn't let me try her glasses because she was afraid the prescription would hurt my eyes, but in the store it was game time!
Come of age is here and now it's my turn to need glasses and to bring my daughter with me, and I totally know she has the same fun experience because she tries dozens every time she comes with me!
Back in January for Creativation, I had the pleasure of seeing Sandra again and to meet for the first time fellow Art Sisters, Monica Downing, Cat Kerr and Heather Thompson. My current choice of glasses reflect those treasured trips I with my mom to eye doctor. I enjoy them immensely and they have an effect on people I can't describe. They are a conversation piece of sorts and I have ended up talking with a lot of people because of them. So when the time came to do my collaboration piece I decided to go with this Visage piece I hadn't used and make a me of sorts on the That's Crafty substrate!
Besides giving you a closer look to my textures (I made you a Snapguide) I will give you a closer look at all the people that wore them while in Phoenix!
Gorgeous Sandra Evertson sporting the look!
Switcheroo between Monica and me!
Heather Rocking it!!!
Yes Cat wore them too!
Jamie Dougherty looking great!
Yes! Dyan Reaveley was also wanting to try them too! Turns out we have the exact same prescription!
As you can see we had a lot of fun, and I thought my post had to reflect that equally! Who knows? Maybe you'll get to meet me and rock my glasses as well! Enjoy the next post over That's Crafty!
Now for the giveaway details! Be sure to follow our celebration of all things Relics & Artifacts® and That's Crafty! all week. Visit the Muse for inspiration, leave some love along the way, and be entered to win ***3*** sets of Relics & Artifacts® Matte Resin craft blanks of your choosing!
Be sure to visit the That's Crafty! blog and see the beautiful project Carol Fox has in store for you today!
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts® "Visage"
Relics & Artifacts® "Regalis"
That's Crafty! MDF Upright "Decorative Top"
That's Crafty! Dinky Stencil "Floral Background"
Apoxie Sculpt
DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
DecoArt Metallic Lustre
The Crafter's Workshop White Gesso
The Crafter's Workshop Modeling Paste
With less than a month until Easter Sunday, I'm totally in the spirit! I love decorating my home through the seasons and I also love visiting the stores and seeing what's out there. I'm a huge fan of mercury glass and because it's spring, the colored mercury glass is right on point. What started as a home decor item quickly turned into childhood memories of opening foiled chocolate bunnies!
I thought to myself, "How cool it would look if I actually made them into pendants!" I went with the sweet colors of the season and instead of using glass spray I went with Deco Foil in silver to create the faux silver mirror effect that looks so pretty on mercury glass.
Using Apoxie Sculpt, I sculpted two sweet bunnies for inside my Imperial Eggs. They were painted with Ancient Gold, that sort of looks like milk chocolate! I think I need to string more beads 'cause I'm in looove!!!!
For my green I used two different types of foil, silver and turquoise. I made you a very small tutorial on Snapguide so you can follow along with what I did. It may inspire you to create fun elements as well!
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts® "Imperial Eggs"
Apoxie Sculpt
Deco Foil Silver
Deco Foil Turquoise
Dina Wakley Paint "Ancient Gold"
Metallic Paints
According to Wikipedia, Wabi Sabi is a concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics constituting a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete". The wabi sabi aesthetic embraces characteristics of asymmetry, simplicity, and an appreciation of natural characteristics and processes. With this bracelet, I try to encompass those same attributes.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
Supply List:
Apoxie Sculpt
Ice Resin
Ice Resin tint "Beryl"
DecoArt Acrylics in brown and black
DecoArt One Step Crackle
jewelry findings
embroidery thread
Angels and spiritual ephemera are very dear to me and usually inspire my creative journey.
I love the Relics & Artifacts® Coquille set and find that the oyster shell is a beautiful substrate to work in miniature.
My inspiration started with a inkjet printed copy of this beautiful image of the Madonna and two angels. My design style is spontaneous while using many layered mediums, materials and techniques while striving to replicate in an "old world" and "time worn" fashion.
"We are each of us angels with one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." ~Luciano de Crescenzo
Supply list:
Relics & Artifacts® "Coquille"
Apoxie® Sculpt
KROMA Crackle®
ICE Resin® Iced Enamels- German Silver
Ice Resin®
Image of Madonna and two angels
Mod Podge® (seal inkjet image)
Rubber Stamp "Hail Mary"
Sand Paper ~ medium grit
Golden® Raw Sienna Acrylic Paint
Golden® Raw Umber Acrylic Paint
Mica Flakes
German Glass Glitter
Selection of tiny Shells, Pearls, Rhinestones
Rough faceted Quartz (crushed with a hammer)
Stand (top of vintage candle stick)
Hand forged wire for "Seven Sorrows" embellishment
na•ma•ste/'nämə,stā/ : a respectful greeting.
I honor the place in you which is love, truth, light, and peace.
I bow to the divine in you.
Read moreMy Christmas is rooted in tradition. We celebrate the birth of baby Jesus on Christmas Day. Then on the 6th of January, we celebrate the Epiphany as Three Kings Day. Christmas celebrations in Puerto Rico last until February 2nd, the Candelaria day, in honor of Virgen del Carmen when the Christmas trees get burned to honor the Virgin. And if you're a kid, then you are in luck because the night of January 5th, you put a box with some grass for the camels to eat underneath your bed and the next morning there are presents inside that box! Yes, school will begin by the 8th or 9th of January to honor the length of our Christmas season.
Read moreSome of us may not claim to be Artists, but when we have the tools, materials and a spark of inspiration we can, for that moment, become Artists.
Read moreMy first Cassiopeia's Throne was an adorable piece named Christmas Morning, I played with Apoxie sculpt to give you the feel of expensive fabric, a velvet throw and 2 sweet presents on top! So my best friend says: Christmas? You seriously skipped Halloween this year?
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