It was such an honor being asked to be the guest artist for the amazing Sandra Evertson that I wanted to make something special using one of my favorite color combinations of blue, purple and gold.
Read moreThe Kiss Me Again by Wendy Aspinall
Becoming a Muse made me think about what inspires me, who or what makes my heart beat faster.
For me it is the work of Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. Especially his golden period, when he produced one of the most recognizable and popular pieces, The Kiss.
And as February is the month of romance. What could be more romantic than the painting The Kiss, it’s also my personal favorite and the inspiration for my contribution to this month’s Muse blog post.
I have re-worked some of his pieces with digital images but never in a physical format before, so I’m very pleased to share with you my canvas inspired by Klimt’s work.
The Kiss me again canvas re-invented with help from Relics and Artifacts by Sandra Evertson.
And like Klimt I too have used gold leaf to bring my piece to life.
Also resin blanks from Visage and Persona.
Apoxie Sculpt. Verday paint in bronze, a canvas painted with black gesso
Acrylic paint, Gold paint, Gold leaf.
I really had fun making this canvas.
I would like to hope the artist is looking down and is pleased with my interpretation of his stunning work, from one Muse to another.
I also hope I’ve inspired you to have fun and make art!
Canvas- Out Of The Darkness, Lanette Erickson
I was inspired to create this canvas after I saw Sandra's original that she found in France.
Read more"I Am" Art Pin with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Heather Thompson
"I am"
I am the Queen of my own Castle.
I am a see-er of beauty all around me.
I am the creator of my own destiny.
I am a lover of nature.
I am a compassionate heart.
I am a true art girl.
This is me.
MUSE® Art Stamps Oculus
MUSE® Art Stamps Namaste
Relics & Artifacts® Visage
Relics & Artifacts® Papillon
Apoxie Sculpt
Retro Art Cafe Digital Collage Sheet
Retro Cafe Clear Acrylic Tags - O'Charms
Red Lead Paper Works Chotski Pin
DecoArt Media Crackle Paint
DecoArt Media Ultra Matte Varnish
DecoArt Antiquing Cream Black
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics: Titanium White, Cadmium Orange Hue, Diarylide Yellow, Payne Grey, Carbon Black, Cadmium Red Hue, Cobalt Teal Hue
"Nature and Art" with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Heather Thompson
As many of you know I not only create art inside, but I also create art outside. I have been gardening for as long as I have been working. I use art both inside and out as a release from the stress of work. So whether it is in the gardens or in the studio, it relaxes me. It frees me.
So for me to be able to make something I can enjoy for my gardens is a bonus. To sit in one of the many places in my gardens and enjoy the true art of nature and to see a beautiful piece of art that shimmers and shines in the patches of sunlight breaking through the leaves is a reward in itself.
Nature and Art, they go their separate ways
It seems; yet all at once they find each other.
Even I no longer am a foe to either;
Both equally attract me nowadays.
Some honest toil's required; then, phase by phase,
When diligence and wit have worked together
To tie us fast to Art with their good tether,
Nature again may set our hearts ablaze.
All culture is like this; the unfettered mind,
The boundless spirit's mere imagination,
For pure perfection's heights will strive in vain.
To achieve great things, we must be self-confined:
Mastery is revealed in limitation
And law alone can set us free again.
-Selected Poetry of Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, 'Natur und Kunst' (2005: 124-125)
I wanted to make something functional but yet stunning, a piece special for my gardens. Enjoy the process of this piece.
But with all artists, there is the idea, implementation of the idea, following through, altering the idea, and then through many other steps, set backs, and "AHA!" moments, there is the completion of the idea. It is then time to capture the completed idea so others can envision in their own eyes the true beauty and elegance of a piece.
Of course, with any creative process, getting the picture to capture its true essence is sometimes just as long, complicated, and tedious as the project itself. The things we will not do to try and get the perfect picture are few and far between. The balance between the perfect project and the perfect photo is sometimes literal!
Relics & Artifacts® Crosse Icons
Relics & Artifacts® Chandelier Pendants I
Relics & Artifacts® Chandelier Pendants II
Relics & Artifacts® Chandelier Pendants III
Relics & Artifacts® Facia Familiaris
Relics & Artifacts® Cameos
Relics & Artifacts® Flaming Hearts Ex Votos
Relics & Artifacts® Medallions
Relics & Artifacts® Visage
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics (Titan Buff, Paynes Grey, Quinacridone Gold, Transparent Yellow Oxide, Cobalt Turquoise Hue)
DecoArt Media Antiquing Cream (English Red Oxide, Patina)
DecoArt Media Gesso (White, Black)
DecoArt Media Crackle Glaze
Swarovski Crystals (Copper, Clear, Smokey Topaz)
Ice Resin
Iced Resin German Glass Glitter Shards (Ancient Gold, Sterling, Onxy)
Iced Resin Opals (Crystal, Fire Opal)
Iced Resin Bronze Shattered Mica
"The Struggle is Real" with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Heather Thompson
The struggle is real.
I am sure we all have had those moments in our creative worlds where our mojo just comes to a halt, where you hit a brick wall and no matter how hard you try, there is no tearing it down. There are so many causes of these creative blocks, whether it's family obligations, the weather, work, or just being in that slump where the ideas and inspiration are just not within reach. I have come across that issue, a brick wall, to stare endlessly at a project and think, "What now?"
I recently had the pleasure of attending an art retreat in Minneapolis. Thinking this would illuminate some brilliant ideas buried deep down in my brain, I had the thought that I was going to go way out of my comfort zone. I was going to use products I normally don’t use, try techniques I wouldn't ever think of trying, colour palettes that I tend to run from, all because I have the resources and the experts there to guide and direct me if I happen to go astray.
So I took Andrea Demeng’s altered book class called “Literary Illusions". I had seen her work so I had a general idea of what I wanted to do, until we got in the class. Then it was all downhill from there. She is an amazing artist and has such a unique style. Maybe my expectations where too high, but let's just say it was not what I expected. And Andrea, she could see my frustration as the day progressed. Kudos to her for her ability to keep me encouraged and engaged and helped me throughout the day. I did come home with an unfinished project with all intentions to get right to it and get it done.
The unfinished project was an altered book with a frame and even a window with a creative truffle tin featuring a face from Visage. With that and an extra eyeball from a fellow attendee, I thought to myself, "Wow! I am going way out of the box on this one."
Some days, I would look at it and say, “Yep, I do kinda like it. Maybe I will finish it today." And then 10 minutes later, "Nope." I am still looking at it with a blank stare thinking that this might be one that ends up in the trash. We all have those trash bins that welcome, with open arms, those “OMG! I don’t dare show a single soul!” or “WTH was I thinking?!” moments of insanity.
As a result, I now have this celestial looking creature captured in the black abyss of ugly. It sits on my desk, staring at me , taunting me to either put it out of its misery or get over myself and just get going on it. Hopefully, I can accomplish the latter but as we all have struggles from time to time, sometimes it is best to just step away and save it for another day. So for now, this will be set aside to stare at me a little bit longer.
The struggle is real.
Relics & Artifacts® Visage
Apoxie Sculpt
Day 6 with That's Crafty! and Inspiration from Ancient Rome with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Heather Thompson
Day 6 of week-long celebration of Relics & Artifacts® and That's Crafty! is another day of stunning inspiration from Heather Thompson. She takes us on a journey inspired by ancient Rome. Read through her story and be sure to continue leaving love to be entered to win **3** Relics & Artifacts® sets of your choosing!
What an amazing week it has been with so much creativity and such unique projects. So now it's my turn to showcase my piece.
I absolutely love the Visage set but never had the nerve to try and put something together. So when I got my Acrylic Wall Hanging from That's Craft the creativity was just flowing. I loved how they cascade down so why not keep going with the flow?
I used some alcohol inks on the substrate until I got the desired marble effect, something well aged and vintage. Using Dresden Trim Silver Rosette to higlight the focal pointsreminded me of the laurel crowns of ancient Rome.
During Roman times the crowns were made with leaves of the bay laurel, and were worn as signs of victory and triumph. The faces of the Visage are so masculine, with the crackle aged look, it adds to that feeling of the great empire that was Rome. The crisp background of muslin and texture remind us of tunics and calceus (open toed sandals) against the back drop of aged marble.
As I look at this piece I am think of lost Roman treasures around the town of Cosenza in southern Italy that have been overlooked and eventually by the passage time.
What a remarkable journey back in time! Don't forget to return to present day and leave a comment to be entered to win! Also, you won't want to miss the fun on the That's Crafty! blog as Donna Ragdoll has an eye popping piece of inspiration for you!
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts® "Visage"
Relics & Artifacts® Dresden Trim Rosette
That's Crafty! Surfaces Acrylic Rectangle Wall Hanging
Ranger Alcohol Inks
Day 2 with That's Crafty! and "My Glasses: A Story" with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Milagros Rivera
It's day 2 of our week-long shindig with the lovely ladies of That's Crafty! in the United Kingdom. All week, we are partying it up with fabulous projects featuring That's Crafty! melded seamlessly withRelics & Artifacts®. Be sure to follow along with us all week because there is a giveaway at the end of the celebration! Keep reading for details.
Today, we have Milagros Rivera and does she have an awesome story to tell!
Since I was little, my mom used glasses. She actually has had to wear them since her teens. I was the designated companion to help her pick her prescription frames. She always purchased an inside pair and an outside pair. And they were BIG!!!! II loved being able to help her make the decision and I secretly loved trying them. She wouldn't let me try her glasses because she was afraid the prescription would hurt my eyes, but in the store it was game time!
Come of age is here and now it's my turn to need glasses and to bring my daughter with me, and I totally know she has the same fun experience because she tries dozens every time she comes with me!
Back in January for Creativation, I had the pleasure of seeing Sandra again and to meet for the first time fellow Art Sisters, Monica Downing, Cat Kerr and Heather Thompson. My current choice of glasses reflect those treasured trips I with my mom to eye doctor. I enjoy them immensely and they have an effect on people I can't describe. They are a conversation piece of sorts and I have ended up talking with a lot of people because of them. So when the time came to do my collaboration piece I decided to go with this Visage piece I hadn't used and make a me of sorts on the That's Crafty substrate!
Besides giving you a closer look to my textures (I made you a Snapguide) I will give you a closer look at all the people that wore them while in Phoenix!
Gorgeous Sandra Evertson sporting the look!
Switcheroo between Monica and me!
Heather Rocking it!!!
Yes Cat wore them too!
Jamie Dougherty looking great!
Yes! Dyan Reaveley was also wanting to try them too! Turns out we have the exact same prescription!
As you can see we had a lot of fun, and I thought my post had to reflect that equally! Who knows? Maybe you'll get to meet me and rock my glasses as well! Enjoy the next post over That's Crafty!
Now for the giveaway details! Be sure to follow our celebration of all things Relics & Artifacts® and That's Crafty! all week. Visit the Muse for inspiration, leave some love along the way, and be entered to win ***3*** sets of Relics & Artifacts® Matte Resin craft blanks of your choosing!
Be sure to visit the That's Crafty! blog and see the beautiful project Carol Fox has in store for you today!
Supply List:
Relics & Artifacts® "Visage"
Relics & Artifacts® "Regalis"
That's Crafty! MDF Upright "Decorative Top"
That's Crafty! Dinky Stencil "Floral Background"
Apoxie Sculpt
DecoArt Dazzling Metallics
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
DecoArt Metallic Lustre
The Crafter's Workshop White Gesso
The Crafter's Workshop Modeling Paste
"Paint People" RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Guest Feature: Karyn Bunting
Art has always played a happy part in my life. I love looking at things that people view as having only one purpose and seeing another life for that piece. In 2012, I moved to Tampa to take care of my now 94 year old mother. When I moved into her condo I painted everything in sight. Walls were pink and black, while the furniture showed years of love shared with her puppies and many, many cups of coffee. I went through gallons of paint and lots of paintbrushes. It seemed a shame to just cast aside brushes that had done so much to beautify our home.
Read moreCubes
Some of us may not claim to be Artists, but when we have the tools, materials and a spark of inspiration we can, for that moment, become Artists.
Read more"The Philosopher" with RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Chrissy Colón
I have always considered myself to be a student. Whether I found myself sitting in a classroom somewhere in academia, ninety feet under the sea, sitting at my art table, or just taking in my surroundings and learning about another culture, I am always learning
Read moreA Layout of "Peace" from RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Louise Nelson
Today, RELICS & ARTIFACTS® Ambassador Louise Nelson takes us back to what most of you know her for, her magnificent layouts.
Read more